Damon J. Bullock, Ph.D.
Degree and Alma Mater:
University of Arkansas at Little Rock: BA in Sociology, MA in Interdisciplinary Studies
Texas Woman’s University: Ph.D. in Sociology
Western New Mexico University: MA in Liberal Studies
Current Position(s):
Western New Mexico University
Associate Professor of Criminal Justice
Community Involvement:
Alpha Phi Alpha Frat. Inc.
El Refugio, Inc.
Grant County ACLU
Grant County Democratic Party
Mount Carmel Pentecostal Church
Prince Hall Masonry (F & A.M.)
U.S. Army Reserve
Short Bio:
Damon J. Bullock was born in Little Rock, Arkansas and raised in a Christian home by a loving grandmother and mother. In addition, he was raised into manhood by strong and positive male figures such as his uncle, cousins, and pastor. Damon is the oldest of three with a younger brother and sister. He joined the U.S. Army National Guard in 2000 as an enlisted soldier and continued to progress to his current rank of Majorin the U.S. Army Reserve where he is currently the 763rd EFD Facilities/Contract Construction Management Engineer (FCCME) (Electrical) Officer. He has held the duties of Communications/Security Repairer, Engineer Platoon Leader, Base Defense Liaison Officer, Battalion Assistant Operations Officer, Battalion Signal Officer, TRADOC Company Commander, Brigade Assistant Operations Officer, Battalion Executive Officer, and Chief Observer, Coach, and Trainer (OC/T). Dr. Bullock has always valued education and its importance for social upward mobility and personal and professional development. Therefore, he earned his Bachelor of Arts in Sociology and Master of Arts in Liberal Studies from the University of Arkansas at Little Rock, Master of Arts in Interdisciplinary Studies from Western New Mexico University, and a Doctorate of Philosophy in Sociology from Texas Woman’s University.
His professional career consists of being an Associate Professor of Criminal Justice at Western New Mexico University in Silver City, New Mexico. Dr. Bullock has made presentations at reputable academic conferences over the topics of racial inclusion and racial diversity in the U.S. military and racial disparities in the United States criminal justice system. He has published a book on Military Sociology and has written articles that have been published in peer-reviewed journals.
He is active in a variety of civic and cultural organizations including Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. (Life Member), Prince Hall Masonry, Board of Directors for El Refugio, Inc., Executive Board for ACLU (Silver City), and serve as Deacon at Mount Carmel Pentecostal Church. Outside of professional interests, he travels, reads, exercise, surf the web, continue to stay abreast on sociological topics of interest, and assist my fellow man when possible.